Asset Component;Potential Failure Mode;Potential Failure Effects;Severity Scale;Potential Causes;Expected Frequency;Current Process Controls;Detection Scale;Risk Priority Number (RPN);Recommended Actions
Hopper;Cracks or breaks;Plastic pellets spill out onto the floor, creating a slipping hazard;3;Using the wrong material, overloading the hopper, or dropping it;Occasional;Visual inspection of the hopper before each use;2;18;Implement a preventive maintenance program to inspect the hopper for cracks or damage on a regular basis
Hydraulic Pump;Leaks;Loss of pressure, machine downtime;4 (High) - Machine downtime can significantly impact production;Worn seals, loose fittings;2 (Medium) - Seals and fittings can wear over time;Regular maintenance inspections;3 (Medium) - Leaks may be visually detectable during inspections, but may not be identified until they cause a more serious problem;24;Implement a preventive maintenance program to replace seals and fittings before they fail.
Heater Control Unit;Loss of temperature control;Overheating or underheating of plastic material, product defects, machine downtime;4 (High) - Product defects can lead to scrap and rework, impacting production efficiency and quality.;Faulty temperature sensor;3 (Medium) - Electronic components can degrade over time, and external factors can contribute to failures.;Temperature monitoring system;3 (Medium) - Temperature deviations may be caught by the monitoring system, but the root cause might not be immediately identified.;36;Implement a preventive maintenance program for regular calibration of temperature sensors and inspection of control boards and relays.